Statistical Data and Metadata eXchange (SDMX)

SDMX - Statistical Data and Metadata eXchange
Photo © Adobe Stock/Vink Fan

Statistical Data and Metadata eXchange (SDMX)

7–18 Ottobre 2024
Il corso è disponibile in English
Presentazione del corso

Statistical data exchanges often take place in an ad-hoc manner, using all kinds of formats and non-standard concepts, hence the need for common standards, guidelines and tools to enable more efficient processes for exchanging and sharing statistical data and metadata. SDMX (Statistical Data and Metadata eXchange) is an international initiative that aims to standardize and modernize ("industrialize") the mechanisms and processes for the exchange of statistical data and metadata among international organizations and their member countries. The standard has evolved in recent times, going beyond straightforward data exchange and now enabling more efficient and reliable data storage and dissemination. SDMX is a business choice (as opposed to a technical choice), improving the quality of statistical data-processing and exchange through standardization, automation, validation and data-sharing. SDMX is a standard (indeed an ISO standard, 17369:2013) designed to describe statistical data and metadata, normalize their exchange and enable them to be shared more efficiently among organizations. To meet these three requirements, SDMX has three key components: 1. Technical standards (including the Information Model); 2. Statistical guidelines; 3. An IT architecture and tools. SDMX is therefore much more than a mere data-transmission format. All labour market information (LMI) systems implemented with the assistance of the ILO are based on and make intensive use of SDMX. The International Training Centre of the ILO (ITCILO) in close coordination with the ILO Department of Statistics is proud to present the Second Edition of the online course SDMX - Statistical Data And Metadata Exchange.

Chi si iscrive a questo corso?

National statistical offices (NSOs); IT specialists; Ministries of labour and related Institutions (such as labour observatories); Governmental agencies responsible for labour-market data analysis and national SDG reporting; ILO social partners (employers' and workers' organizations); Research and academic institutions; International organizations; Development agencies; Non-governmental organizations; etc.

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