Sectoral approaches to skills development

Sectoral approaches to skills development

Sectoral approaches to skills development

15–19 Settembre 2025
Il corso è disponibile in English
Presentazione del corso

Skills are a key factor for the economic development of countries and prosperity of nations. Skills matching requires various mechanisms, instruments and policies that are in place in a country and its regions or sectors aimed at reducing the gap between skills supply and demand in the labour market, increasing the employability of the workforce and reducing skill shortages. Accordingly, sectoral approaches look at changing skill needs from the perspective of a particular sector and ensures that skills development meets the needs of the different economic sectors. Helping enterprises find workers with the right skills, and ensuring that workers acquire the skills they need to find productive employment is a key to unlocking the door to economic prosperity and building inclusive societies. Sectoral approaches strengthen good practices in skills development through putting an emphasis on skillsets needed in different economic sectors rather than taking a generic approach for skills development. They also provide an important platform for social dialogue on skills at the sectoral level. Moreover, adopting a sectoral approach to skills development enables countries and businesses to focus on developing the specific skills needed to maintain and improve their key economic sectors, making substantial contributions to improved productivity and competitiveness. In this regard, the International Training Centre of the ILO (ITCILO) in full collaboration with the Skills branch of the International Labour Organization are proud to offer the first online edition of the course Sectoral Approaches to Skills Development! The course will capitalize on the long experience of the ITCILO in organizing capacitybuilding activities focused on skills development and sectoral skills development. Moreover, the course will emphasize a unique learning approach harnessing digital e-learning technologies using an interactive online platform that facilitates the learning process and provides participants with real-time feedback and support.

Chi si iscrive a questo corso?

The course targets: - Policymakers and technical advisors of Ministries of Employment/Labour, Ministries of Education, as well as other Ministries working in the area of skills development and TVET; - Members of skills councils, national TVET authorities or similar institutions; - Representatives of workers' and employers' organizations working on skills development issues; - Experts and technical staff working in the field of TVET planning; - Relevant staff from Public Employment Services and other institutions engaged in skills matching; - Managerial and technical staff of institutions responsible for the collection and analysis of labour market information. - Staff from international cooperation agencies working in the area of TVET and Skills Development.

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