Training of Trainers on Building Modern and Effective Labour Inspection Systems

Training of trainers on Building Modern and Effective Labour Inspection Systems
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Training of Trainers on Building Modern and Effective Labour Inspection Systems

25 Agosto–5 Settembre 2025
Il corso è disponibile in English
Presentazione del corso

LABADMIN/OSH (the ILO department in charge of Labour Administration, Labour Inspection and Occupational Safety and Health), has developed a training curriculum for raising the level of competence of labour inspectorates. The curriculum, named "Building Modern and Effective Labour Inspection Systems", is a modular package with 17 modules covering a wide range of aspects related to labour inspection, from principles, policies and strategies to practical tools and methods for visits. The purpose of the curriculum is to equip national labour inspectorates with standard and comprehensive basic training material that can used as a tool and reference in developing their own training curricula, adapted to the specific contexts, strategies, priorities and needs of their respective countries. This training of trainers course have been developed for the delivery of the labour inspection modules of this curriculum.

Chi si iscrive a questo corso?

¿ Trainers from government institutions involved in the training of inspectors. ¿ Staff of the Labour Inspectorates with duties in training and mentoring new recruited labour inspectors. ¿ Consultants, university professors and teachers working involved in the training of labour and occupational safety and health issues.

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