Distance learning course on occupational safety and health (English / Spanish)

Distance learning course on occupational safety and health 2 (English)
Photo © Freepik

Distance learning course on occupational safety and health (English / Spanish)

8 Setembro 2025–16 Janeiro 2026
O curso está disponível em English, Español
Apresentação do curso

Becoming a safety and health professional requires multidisciplinary training. The OSH profession calls for a broad-based educational background combined with specialized knowledge in physical sciences (medicine, physics, chemistry and engineering) and social sciences (behaviour, motivation and communication) together with the principles and concepts of management. Many professionals require updating their competences in line with this situation. The International Training Centre (ITC) of the International Labour Organization (ILO) is offering a distance learning course on OSH delivered through an Internet-based platform to satisfy this need. The proposed programme will incorporate the international ILO experience on OSH and the ITCILO's international training experience applied to the methodology.

Perfil dos participantes

The course is aimed at those from governmental, employers' and workers' organizations involved in the promotion of OSH within enterprises. The programme may also be of interest to other people from professional or industrial bodies, training institutions involved in OSH issues willing to increase their knowledge on the different disciplines of OSH such a managers, supervisors and technical staff in charge of OSH within enterprises.

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