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The aim of this course is to strengthen the capacities of actors involved in the pensions sector to provide better consulting, design, management and supervision of national pension systems in the context of current global economic and financial changes.
The course is designed for executives, managers, planners and other professionals working in the field of pension and social protection policy and administration. It is intended for a range of participants from both the governmental and non-governmental sectors, including employers' and workers' organizations and civil society organizations.
The course will employ a combination of group work, e-lectures, panel discussions and interactive exercises. An eCampus platform will be used to support participants’ preparation before, during and after the course. Technology will be integrated throughout the course to ensure interactivity.
The course consists of a number of online modules offered through the eCampus online platform to be completed over a period of six weeks for an estimated total of 60 learning hours.
The course is broken down into three phases: