Impact evaluation of policies, programmes and projects

Impact evaluation of policies, programmes and projects (online)
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Impact evaluation of policies, programmes and projects

22 Setembro–14 Novembro 2025
O curso está disponível em English
Apresentação do curso

This tutor-based online certification programme provides a practical approach to design, conduct and interpret impact evaluations. It brings together researchers, evaluation experts and development practitioners in a collaborative and instructive online space. Are you ready to become a certified impact evaluation specialist?

Perfil dos participantes

Monitoring and evaluation specialists, independent evaluators, researchers, project coordinators and programme managers, Donor staff appraising and evaluating projects and programmes, policy-makers, non-governmental organization officials involved in monitoring and evaluating.

What topics does this course cover?
  • General concepts and considerations for impact evaluation: the recurring dilemma of attribution versus contribution 
  • Quantitative and qualitative methods for impact evaluation
  • Experimental and quasi-experimental impact evaluation design
  • Methods of data collection, processing and analysis for impact evaluations
  • Managing and utilizing the impact evaluation for decision making and development of new knowledge
What will I learn?
  • General concepts and considerations for evaluation
  • Selecting the right approach and methodologies to design an impact evaluation.
  • A step-by-step approach to designing an impact evaluation.
  • Conceptualization of the impact evaluation scheme: purpose, scope, impact evaluation questions, and methodology.
  • Plan and use data collection methods and data management in the context of impact evaluations.
  • Analysis of quantitative and qualitative data to assess programme or project intervention causality.
  • Organizing the impact evaluation: contracting and managing consultants.
  • Reporting, dissemination, and use of impact evaluation conclusions.
  • Engaging stakeholders in impact evaluations.
  • Design a customised impact evaluation scheme for the unique context of a development intervention of your choice.
  • Build an operational plan to conduct the impact evaluation.
  • Collect, process, and analyse data to evaluate impact using quantitative and qualitative approaches.
  • Use impact evaluation results for informing decision-making and economic analyses.
  • A body of knowledge on theories and approaches used to conduct impact evaluations of public policies, development programmes, and projects.
  • Methodologies and approaches to design impact evaluation using both: qualitative and quantitative data based design
  • Criteria to decide which is the most appropriate impact evaluation design.
  • How to develop a process to plan, operationalize, budget, and manage an impact evaluation.
  • Identify and engage relevant stakeholders throughout the impact evaluation process using technical and soft skills.
  • Select the most appropriate impact evaluation design to respond to the unique context of the intervention and to the prevailing constraints of data, time, money, and context.


​​​​​​​Why should I join?

This course is delivered through distance learning and deployed on the ITCILO e-Campus. It frees you from the classroom and gives you the flexibility to complete the learning modules at your own pace, within the module and course timeframe, and to carry-through weekly assignment within your schedule.

  • Data analysis and evaluation skills are essential to professionals working in the public and development sectors.
  • Employers that sponsor participants obtain the possibility to create an impact evaluation scheme for one of their development interventions.
  • Successful participants receive a professional certification attesting their capacity to effectively design and conduct impact evaluation.
  • The programme was developed and is implemented by evaluation experts and practitioners, researchers and development cooperation managers.
  • Participatory activities include self-guided modules, webinars, online forum, practical assignments, individualized feedback and tutoring.
  • Participants keep access to the e-Campus course on impact evaluation, training material, and references.
Prove your skills with a Diploma

This course is part of one Diploma programme:

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