International Labour Standards Academy (Asia and the Pacific)

International Labour Standards Academy (Asia and the Pacific)

International Labour Standards Academy (Asia and the Pacific)

2–27 Maio 2022
O curso está disponível em English
Apresentação do Academia

The Academy is a regional event offering a choice of highly specialized tracks on international labour standards (ILS) addressed to different target groups. It provides in-depth understanding of the comprehensive system of ILS and their application at national level to a broad range of professionals active in promoting social justice and sustainable development. During its plenary Master Classes, participants with various professional backgrounds explore standards-related themes presented in the context of the COVID-19 recovery in Asia and the Pacific.

Perfil dos participantes
  • Government officials; representatives of employers' and workers' organizations responsible for issues relating to ILS.
  • Judges from courts and tribunals that deal with labour litigation; labour lawyers; legal advisers to employers' or workers' organizations; university law teachers.
  • Journalists, correspondents, reporters, editors and publishers, working in all types of media (print, radio, television and the Internet).
  • Public relations professionals and communication officers of employers’, workers’, governmental and non-governmental organizations.
  • Staff from Resident Coordinators Offices and UN agencies.
Why to join ?

As countries strive to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic ILS provide a tried and trusted normative foundation to guide ILO Member States in building back better and rendering economies and societies more resilient, fair and inclusive. ILS support policy coherence, provide a level playing field within and across countries to push back at the inequalities exposed by the pandemic, drive productivity gains needed to sustain decent standards of living, and regenerate trust in an open global economy that leaves no one behind.

  • Knowledge assessment at the start and at the end of each track.
  • Plenary Master Classes via Zoom.
  • Dedicated live sessions via Zoom for each track.
  • Interactive self-guided modules with readings, videos and quizzes.
  • Practical activities, to be carried out individually and/or in groups.
  • Moderated forum.
Which tracks?
  • Track 1: ILS for constituents.
  • Track 2: ILS for judges, lawyers and legal educators.
  • Track 3: ILS for journalists and media professionals.
  • Short Track 4: ILS for UN staff.

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