Management Course for Enterprise Support Organizations and BDS providers


17–21 Novembro 2025
O curso está disponível em English

The aim of this course is to create a space in which enterprise support organizations (ESOs) and BDS providers can learn how to improve performance of their organizations, companies, firms or departments dealing with enterprise support services.

As a management course, it is designed to broaden participants' perspective, management potential and resource base, not just to convey technical topics.

Key features

Global and local practices and experiences accumulated as a result of the wide engagement in management and small-business development.


Apply course content to your actual challenges


Interactive, activity based and with wide use of case-studies

Apresentação do curso

The aim of this course is to create a space in which enterprise support organizations (ESOs) and BDS providers can learn how to improve performance of their organizations, companies, firms or departments dealing with enterprise support services. As a management course, it is designed to broaden participants' perspectives, management potential and resource base.

Perfil dos participantes

The course targets a wide audience of professionals: - Staff of enterprise support organizations and BDS providers - Government agencies involved in supporting MSMEs - MSME consultants and trainers. - Staff of consulting and training units of development institutes or commercial companies - Wider MSME development community and project managers

Joint edition with Argidius Foundation

This edition is offered in a partnership and collaboration with the Argidius Foundation.

Argidius mission is to address poverty by improving the effectiveness and reach of SME development services.

Learn more about Argidius Foundation here: Welcome to Argidius | Partnerships for jobs and hope

What will I learn?

The course has four specific objectives:

  • To broaden understanding of the various functions that contribute to the successful performance of the organization
  • To supply a portfolio of management tools that can assist managers in strengthening performance of their unit or company
  • To improve understanding and skills in design and delivery of client-oriented business development services to male and female led MSMEs
  • To stimulate the sharing of experiences and strategies for meeting current challenges.

The course is practical in nature, providing tools and insights, and drawing out the wisdom and experience already gained by members of the group. 

As a management course, it is designed not just to convey technical topics, but to broaden participants' perspectives, management potential and resource base.

As a practical course, it will focus on applying course content to participants' actual challenges and opportunities in order to improve the performance of their companies or units. 

The course will also assist managers in identifying areas they would like to explore in more detail in the future.

Course content

The course is designed around 5 modules:

  • Module 1: Stakeholder management and focus on clients. 
  • Module 2: Developing a successful business model
  • Module 3: Your offer: products and services
  • Module 4: Growth strategies
  • Module 5: Financing mechanics and focus on sustainability
Scholarship opportunities

Upon completion of the course, participants will receive a certificate of participation.

Course Partners
Argidius logo
Argidius Foundation

This course edition is offered in a partnership and collaboration with the Argidius Foundation.

Argidius mission is to address poverty by improving the effectiveness and reach of SME development services.

Learn more about Argidius Foundation here: Welcome to Argidius | Partnerships for jobs and hope


Contact the ITCILO: for any question you may have. 

Course manager: Ms. Margarita Lalayan, at Sustainable Enterprises and Economies (SEE) programme

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