Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 and case law symposium

Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 and Case Law Symposium
Photo © Adobe Stock/ID_Anuphon

Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 and case law symposium

24–25 Junho 2025
O curso está disponível em English
Apresentação do curso

Working and living conditions of seafarers have always been of special concern to the International Labour Organization (ILO). In February 2006, the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 (MLC, 2006) was adopted by governments, employers and workers representatives at a special ILO International Labour Conference. It consolidates and modernizes the provisions of more than 60 ILO conventions and recommendations and contains a strong enforcement mechanism based on flag State inspection and port state control. As of April 2022, the MLC, 2006 had been ratified by 101 countries representing over 96.6 per cent of the world's gross tonnage. This instrument was adopted to provide international standards for the world's first global industry. Widely known as the "seafarers' bill of rights", it is unique in its effect on both seafarers and quality ship owners. It was designed to be applicable at global level, easy to understand, updatable and enforced. It was successfully amended in 2014, 2016, 2018 to respond to the needs of the sector. This year, the Special Tripartite Committee of the MLC, 2006 adopted a new set of amendments to address some of the challenges faced by the industry and seafarers as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. The MLC, 2006 is the "fourth pillar" of the international regulatory regime for quality shipping, complementing the key conventions of the International Maritime Organization (IMO). Despite the MLC, 2006 considerable ratification and positive impact on decent work, seafarers continue to encounter substantial challenges to ensure the protection of their labour rights, in particular in relation to repatriation, abandonment, payment of wages and compensation in cases of death or long term disability. More than ever before, seafarers are seeking advice from lawyers and adequate legal assistance in the event of labour disputes. Obtaining redress in case of violation of seafarers' labour rights is often challenging as a result of the multiple jurisdictions and laws and regulations involved (flag State, labour supplying State, port State). In this context, the MLC, 2006 and the work of the ILO supervisory bodies constitute important tools for lawyers, legal practitioners and judges around the world. The exchange of experiences and the mutual learning between lawyers and legal practitioners from different countries on the contribution of the MLC, 2006 in safeguarding seafarers' labour rights and guiding judicial decisions represent a source of inspiration at national level. An increased use of the Convention by lawyers and judges around the world can contribute to its enforcement and strengthen its crucial role in a changing world of work.

Perfil dos participantes

Lawyers, Judges, legal practitioners and academics.

Objective and contents of the event

The workshop aims to provide a good understanding of the MLC, 2006, its provisions and amendments, and a peer review of labour dispute jurisprudence on key issues such as, working conditions, health and safety, recruitment and placement, discrimination, grievances and complaints procedures.

Drawing on the guidance of the MLC, 2006, the Symposium opens a dialogue focusing on issues arising in the context of labour disputes involving seafarers and facilitates a comparative analysis of current case law at national level based on a selection of issues and decisions.

What will I gain from the event?

The event intends to facilitate an international debate amongst labour and maritime law professionals and practitioners on the guiding role and effective implementation of the MLC, 2006 in a fragmented and challenging context related to the safeguard of minimum rights and protections for all seafarers.

What topics does this event cover?

During the two-day event participants will have the opportunity to update knowledge and share experiences & case studies on the following topics:

  • Recent comparative studies at international level on the challenges in the maritime industry;
  • Effective implementation of the MLC, 2006;
  • Analysis of Case Law related to seafarers’ rights;
  • Comparative analysis of the trends worldwide.
How is the event organized?

The programme is designed to engage participants in immersive debate to discuss the tough challenges. The programme will be interactive and participatory and will be structured as follows:

  • Live webinars on the above mentioned topics with the involvement of International experts,
  • Interactive discussions on case studies,
  • Presentation of key findings.

The online knowledge-sharing event is structured in two main components:

  1. Asynchronous phase: in the eCampus dedicated to the Symposium participants will have the opportunity to consult and share the following resources:
  • Virtual library,
  • Results of thematic discussions,
  • Collection of case studies and practices.
  1. Synchronous phase: during n. 2 live webinars participants will be actively involved in thematic review, peer-to-peer learning, and discussions in plenary sessions.
Who are the resource persons?

The online discussion will offer a well-structured update on technical issues and an interactive platform facilitated by international experts.



What is the language of the event?

The course is offered in English. A good command of the working language is required.



How much does the event cost?

The tuition fee for the course is 215 Euros.

Are there any fellowships?

A very limited number of fellowships are available to qualified candidates coming from eligible countries.

As an Organization dedicated to promoting social justice and internationally recognized human and labour rights, the ILO is taking a leading role in international efforts to foster gender equality. In line with this ILO focus, women are particularly encouraged to apply to ITCILO courses.

How to apply?

The deadline for application is 5 December 2024.

Candidates must submit the online application form duly completed, available at: and a letter from the sponsor indicating the financial support (or a letter from the applicant stating that participation costs are covered by him/herself), to be uploaded while filling in the online application.

Incomplete applications will not be considered.

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