Realizing Decent Work in Platform Economy

Realizing Decent Work in Platform Economy (New)

Realizing Decent Work in Platform Economy

24–28 Março 2025
O curso está disponível em English
Apresentação do curso

Drawing on the guidance from existing International Labour Standards (ILS) and the key findings from the normative gap analysis, the training programme aims at increasing the knowledge of the ILO Constituents to better understand the opportunities and challenges of the platform work, including the situation in law and practice. More specifically, the five-day learning programme intends to provide a comprehensive overview of the : - impact of the platform economy on job creation; - existing regulatory framework and gaps relating to the different dimensions of decent work; - case law and legal instruments & practices among Member States ( diversity of approaches to regulatory interventions); - trends, gaps and emerging legislative practices in relation to labour protection for platform workers; - key considerations from ILO in relation to standard setting on decent work in the platform economy.

Perfil dos participantes

Representatives of Governments (Ministry of Labour, Social Policies and Social Security), and of Social Partners.

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