Executive E-coaching in Social Protection

Executive e-coaching in social protection
Photo © Unsplash/Jamie Street

Executive E-coaching in Social Protection

The course is available in English, Français, Español, Português, العربية (تحميل مذكرة معلومات)
Introduction to the course

The COVID-19 pandemic has put an unprecedented strain on social protection systems around the world as governments and social security institutions have taken action to protect lives and livelihoods. As the crisis unfolds, we have an unprecedented opportunity to maintain this momentum and build stronger and more responsive social protection systems. In order to help social protection practitioners rise to the challenge, this Executive E-coaching Initiative aims to provide a dedicated learning journey tailored to each participant's professional needs. Through ten online one-to-one e-coaching sessions with a social security expert over a period of six months, participants will get additional technical assistance and guidance on the specific social protection challenges they are facing in their own context. Team packages and a virtual reality option are also available.

Who attends this course?

This programme is aimed at a wide range of professionals working in social protection institutions, ministries, international organizations, social partners and civil society partners, tasked with designing and implementing social protection measures.

What will I learn?

E-coaching is a two-way exchange between a learner and an expert e-coach. It is meant to build on, and refine, a learner’s existing knowledge and expertise as well as providing additional technical assistance to help them address some of the professional challenges they are facing. The learning path is customised to the learner. It is informed by their specific needs and framed by their unique context. The e-coach provides guidance and support accordingly, fostering self-reflection and the practical application of knowledge acquired by the learner.

What will I be able to do?

Learners will be able to strengthen their knowledge and skills in a specific technical area of social protection as defined by them. They will get tailored technical assistance and guidance from an expert to help them find practical solutions to the concrete problems they are facing where they are.

Why should I join?

This online learning programme is specifically designed for officials and professionals working in social protection to help them analyse and respond to their rapidly changing context. Participants will:

  • Identify the technical area and specific competencies they wish to strengthen through an initial tailored assessment conducted by the ITCILO.
  • Be matched with an e-coach from a number of highly qualified and experienced international social protection experts.
  • Engage in live sessions with their e-coach.
  • Benefit from a range of online resources on best practices and case studies compiled by the ITCILO.

The programme is delivered entirely online, offering participants the opportunity to learn where they are without the need to travel.

The e-coaching engagement will consist of a cycle of ten sessions with an expert e-coach over a period of five months. The time, duration and structure of the sessions will be agreed upon with the e-coach. Please note that the programme will take an estimated 40 hours to complete.

More than one person from the same organization/team can join the programme to receive group e-coaching sessions. If you are interested in this modality, please contact the ITCILO for further information about pricing and application.

  • We will begin with a tailored assessment conducted by the ITCILO team. This will help learners identify their specific needs and clarify what they wish to get out of the programme.
  • The ITCILO team will then match the learner/s with the most appropriate expert e-coach and will facilitate the first ‘meet and greet’ session. The e-coach and the learner/s will then jointly define the objectives of their engagement.
  • The e-coaching sessions will offer the e-coach and learner/s the opportunity to explore specific social protection issues and challenges in depth, sharing targeted resources, best practices and technical advice, enabling learners to apply the practical guidance to their day-to-day work.
  • At the end of the cycle of sessions, learners will be encouraged to develop an action plan outlining how they will sustain the learning beyond the end of the programme. The e-coach and the learner/s will also jointly evaluate the quality and outcomes of their engagement with guidance from the ITCILO.

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