The Academy on Skills Development is the flagship programme of ITCILO's capacity building portfolio on Skills and Lifelong Learning. Thanks to the participation of high-level ILO experts in this field, it meets participants at the heart of current debates and dialogues on the future of education and training systems. This intensive two-week experience will explore ILO's new Strategy on Skills and Lifelong Learning for 2022-30, providing participants with ideas to shape effective policies and with best practices from all over the world. Learn how to improve your skills systems in a fast-changing world of work.
Policy makers and technical advisors for governments - Representatives of workers' and employers' organizations - Members of skills councils, national TVET authorities, and similar institutions - Experts and technical staff from CSOs, NGOs, and other civil society actors.
This academy offers plenary sessions and elective courses, allowing participants to tailor their learning experience to their interests. Main topics will be revolving around the five pillars of the ILO Strategy on Skills and Lifelong Learning for 2022-30:
Policies, governance and financing for effective skills development and lifelong learning
Skills-needs intelligence and anticipation in the context of green and digital transitions
Innovative and flexible learning programmes and pathways
Inclusive skills programmes for the diverse needs of labour markets
Quality apprenticeships and work-based learning for employability, productivity and sustainable enterprises.
At the end of the programme, participants will have increased their technical knowledge to improve the functioning of their skills and lifelong learning systems. In particular, they will have:
Increased their understanding of the ILO approaches to Skills and Lifelong learning, in particular for policies, governance. financing models and skills needs anticipation and matching;
Gathered inputs to design evidence-based skills and lifelong learning programmes and pathways, leaving no one behind, to respond to post-COVID recovery skills challenges;
Developed an in-depth knowledge of the key ILO tools and methodologies in the five pillars of the ILO Strategy on Skills and Lifelong Learning.
Participants will join an international network of skills development professionals. They will be ready to improve skills and lifelong learning policies and practices, by:
Developing quality, relevance, flexible and inclusive training programmes, along permeable pathways, to support employment, career aspirations, improved productivity and sustainability of enterprises, towards diverse economies and societies;
Promoting quality apprenticeships and work-based learning systems to improve market relevance of skills development in the formal and informal economy.
The Academy on Skills Development is known as the main skills and lifelong Learning global capacity building initiative, coupling top-level technical expertise from ILO specialists with Turin Centre innovative learning methods.
The Turin Centre’s dynamic learning environment welcomes participants’ perspectives, stories, and ideas.
The academy aims to help participants understand the linkages and flows between skills systems and their environments.
Participants build an international community of practice through daily conversation and discussion.