An online module for Policy Makers

O curso está disponível em English, Français

Do you know that … 20% of women are still being paid less than men?

Throughout the world, women’s average monthly pay is around 20% less than men. As yet, no country has achieved gender parity.

ILO Global Wage Report, 2018/19

There are many arguments for why countries should invest in advancing equal pay for work of equal value. It would have positive macroeconomic implications as it would contribute to increasing aggregate demand. It would also translate in more money spent on child education and care. But, more importantly, it is simply a matter of fairness.

Introduction to the course

Closing the gender pay gap: making the case at policy level!

This 45’ self-paced online module targeted to policy makers and organizations engaged in policy discussions does just that: it offers concrete tools to stakeholders to make a change and tackle the gender pay gap!

The module contains a selection of international examples, good practices and existing laws successfully implemented at supranational (i.e., the European Union), national or local level, to provide inspiration and guidance on how to go further on the topic, drawing from lessons learned.

At the end of the module, you will be able to:

  • Review the basic gender concepts related to pay discrimination at work and “equal pay for work of equal value”.
  • Understand the phenomenon of the gender pay gap and detect its root causes.
  • Assess where your country stands in the journey to achieve equality between women and men in the labour market compared to other G7 and EU countries, with a focus on pay gap indicators at a glance.
  • Recognize what are the elements to design a comprehensive and effective system of legislation, policies, measures, and initiatives that can have a real impact on achieving equal pay.
  • Take action, learning from positive examples and successful experiences from other countries.
Why should I join?

This course is friendly and interactive. Check your new knowledge at the end of module, to earn your badge. When having completed the course, wrap it up by clicking on the badge icon and downloading your course certificate!

The module has been developed as part of the WE EMPOWER G7 Project, funded by the European Union (EU); implemented by UN Women and the International Labour Organization (ILO), in collaboration with its training arm, the International Training Centre (ITCILO).

Visit the project platform!

Want to learn more?

Take one of our free short E-learning modules on gender equality at work, based on international labour standards. They only last up to 45’:

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