Industrial Relations Toolkit

Industrial Relations Toolkit
Image © Alice Lotti

Industrial Relations Toolkit

Self-learning tool

Il corso è disponibile in English, Français, Español
Key features
Improve your knowledge of industrial relations at your own pace
Earn badges and an ITCILO certificate
Get ready for the promotion of decent work through sound industrial relations

Sound labour relations bring benefits in terms of productivity, reduced conflicts and disputes, improved job satisfaction, and improved decision-making on matters of mutual concern to management and workers.

Promotion of sound labour relations is a core part of ILO’s mandate to promote social justice, which is enshrined in the ILO Constitution and the Declaration of Philadelphia.

International labour standards provide guiding principles on sound labour relations, which include those on freedom of association and collective bargaining (Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organize Convention, 1948 (N°87), Right to Organise and Collective Bargaining Convention, 1949 (n°98) and Collective Bargaining Convention, 1981 (N°154) but also other instruments designed to facilitate cooperation, communication and conflict management at the workplace.

Translating those principles – and the body of knowledge developed by the ILO through its research – into practices in its member States is a key challenge for the ILO’s development cooperation activities.

This toolkit has been designed through a cross-office effort as a holistic package to support ILO efforts in the promotion of sound labour relations.

Who attends this course?
  • Governments, employers and workers’ representatives.
  • Anyone interested in the promotion of sound industrial relations at all levels.
What will I learn?

The toolkit has 3 modules:

  • Collective bargaining
  • Workplace cooperation
  • Grievance handling
What will I be able to do?
  • Better understand the importance of sound industrial relations
  • Apply international labour standards in the area
  • Promote sound industrial relations at all level
How is the course organized ?
  • Register on the ITCILO e-campus of access with the credentials
  • Complete mandatory preliminary activities
  • Complete the 3 modules and earn the badges
  • Complete mandatory final activities
  • Earn your certificate and share it on social media
Why should I join ?
  • Improve your knowledge of industrial relations at your own pace
  • Earn badges and an ITCILO certificate
  • Get ready for the promotion of decent work through sound industrial relation
Access the toolkit

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