Compreender os procedimentos e as obrigações constitucionais relativos às normas internacionais do trabalho

Understanding the procedures and Constitutional obligations relating to international labour standards
Photo © ILO

Compreender os procedimentos e as obrigações constitucionais relativos às normas internacionais do trabalho

O curso está disponível em English, Français, Español, Português, العربية

You can register for this self-guided course as from 6 February 2024, and you can follow it at your own pace. Participation requires approximately 30 hours of individual learning.

Apresentação do curso

Ao examinar em pormenor os procedimentos do sistema de normas internacionais do trabalho (NIT), desde a adoção à supervisão, o curso visa reforçar

Perfil dos participantes

- Funcionários do governo responsáveis por questões relacionadas com as normas laborais nacionais e internacionais, incluindo o cumprimento das obrigações estabelecidas pela Constituição da OIT. - Representantes de organizações de empregadores e de trabalhadores responsáveis pelas questões da OIT. - Os funcionários da OIT e da ONU também podem beneficiar do curso.

What will I gain from the course?
  • Understanding of the procedures of standard setting, submission, ratification, regular and special supervision.
  • Capacity to participate effectively in all standards-related procedures and consultations.
What topics does the course cover?
  • Background about the ILO.
  • Standard-setting.
  • Submission to the competent authorities.
  • Ratification, entry into force and denunciation.
  • Regular system of supervision: reporting under articles 22 and 19 of the ILO Constitution.
  • Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations.
  • Conference Committee on the Application of Standards.
  • Representations under article 24 of the ILO Constitution.
  • Complaints under article 26 of the ILO Constitution.
  • Complaints to the Committee on Freedom of Association.
  • NORMLEX database, and other ILS tools and resources on the Net.
How is the course organized?
  • Approximately 30 hours of individual learning.
  • Ten flexible self-guided sessions with objectives, preliminary readings, video presentations, resources and assessment. Each session is accompanied by a step-by-step Internet guide.
  • Knowledge assessment at the start and at the end of the training. 
Who are the experts in the video presentations?
  • Members and former members of the Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations.
  • The Chair of the Committee on Freedom of Association.
  • Specialists from the International Labour Office.

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