Respect for labour rights is a basic and fundamental pillar of responsible business conduct (RBC) and human rights due diligence (HRDD). They are also an integral part of social auditing which serve as one of the tools available to assess, evaluate and ultimately improve suppliers' performance in respecting labour rights in line with national legislation and as expressed in international labour standards (ILS). Understanding ILS and the guidance they provide is critical to enhance the effectiveness of social auditing, especially in light of the rapidly developments in the areas of RBC and HRDD that significantly alter expectations towards business practices and the role of social auditors. ILS are international law and form part of the international human rights norms and standards landscape. They provide the overall framework and guidance for business on interpreting and analysing conditions of work and employment in conjunction with local legislative frameworks governing the world of work. This course aims to enhance the capacities, knowledge and sense of purpose of social auditors to perform social audits based on a deeper understanding of international labour standards, the brands legal due diligence requirements, and the business and human rights agenda. It will clarify auditors' guidance on the linkages between sustainable development, decent work and responsible business, based on the expectations expressed in international labour standards (ILS).
The course is especially designed for social auditors that wish to upscale their competencies, knowledge and deep understanding of the HRDD purposes and framework in the field of labour standards, RBC and decent work.
The course is a self-guided eLearning course, hosted in the ITCILO eCampus over a period of 8 weeks, for an estimated total of 12 learning hours. The course includes 1 or 2 live webinar sessions, moderated forums for sharing experiences and establishing a community of practice, and flexible self-paced online learning.
The ITCILO’s eCampus offers:
The E-Campus will be accessible 24 hours a day, including for at least 4 weeks after the end of the course.
This course is developed in partnership with: ILO, ICS and ITC.